Organisation and partners

Kemijoki’s employees have versatile skills, and their know-how is something that cannot be copied from books. We acquire most of the operations needed to produce hydroelectricity from service providers.


At Kemijoki Oy, we have a low organizational structure, we follow the same rules, and we all have clear roles. This makes our daily work efficient and collaboration with partners and stakeholders easy, as well as helps us ensure that sustainability is incorporated in all our operations.

Our organisation is divided into three functions:

  • The function led by our Deputy CEO is responsible for the company’s finances, personnel and communications, permitting, electricity markets and strategy as well as public affairs.
  • The Investments function plans and develops investment projects.
  • The Operative function is in charge of managing the production system, electricity and machine technology, dams and construction projects, environment and obligation matters, as well as corporate responsibility. Most of our employees provide expert services in Rovaniemi.

Our personnel’s competence, wellbeing and enthusiasm are prerequisites for maintaining and developing strong expertise. We promote responsible personnel practices and take care of our employees’ wellbeing.


We operate as an expert and commissioner organisation of hydropower production, and are a developer of hydropower expertise. We acquire most of our operations needed to produce domestic and climate-friendly electricity from service providers.

Thanks to our agile, partnership-based operating model, we are able to produce hydroelectricity cost-efficiently and adapt to changing conditions. When we choose partners, one of our most important criteria is that our partners are prepared to commit to our corporate responsibility programme. Together with our partners, we maintain electricity self-sufficiency and security of supply, strengthen regional employment and are experts of sustainable hydropower, among other things.

Kemijoki Oy’s partners

  • Local use and maintenance of power plants at the Kemijoki and Lieksanjoki areas: Caverion Industria Oy
  • Local use and maintenance of power plants at the Kemijoki and Lieksanjoki areas: Stora Enso Publication Papers Oy Ltd
  • Obligation-based, environmental and dam safety work: Mitta Oy
  • Electricity transmission: Caruna
  • Financial and payroll administration: Administer Oy
  • Legal services: Fondia OyDottir Asianajotoimisto Oy ja Roschier Asianajotoimisto Oy 
    Kemijoki Oy is responsible for fulfilling permit conditions and determining environmental and licensing strategies.
  • Communications services: Burson Finland Oy
  • ICT infrastructure management: Enfo Oyj
    Enfo is responsible for servers, workstations and local support. Kemijoki Oy is responsible for local networks.
  • Services related to financial operations, production planning and control room operations: Fortum Oyj
    Fortum is Kemijoki Oyj’s shareholder.
  • Fish planting obligations: Voimalohi Oy
    Responsible for fish planning obligations set to Kemijoki Oy and activities aimed at restoring migratory fish.

See also